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We help people with:
PTSD, anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, LGBTQ, lack of confidence and more for all ages.
​We provide ongoing counseling and therapy in Spring to individuals and families to strengthen and promote mental wellness. Our focus is to establish realistic goals and make lasting changes. Each treatment program is personalized and designed for each client to help heal, energize and become aware of their inner strengths.
Our client promise at Mindful Transformations Counseling Center in Spring, Texas is to be there for you every step of your journey.
CALL TODAY! (281) 892-9986

Circle of Friends
MTC Circle of Friends provides compassionate care and mentorship to children in care to help others with their struggles and needs.
Children in the foster care system often have particularly complex interpersonal histories. Past trauma may simultaneously offer opportunity and challenge in mentoring relationships. In this program, we pay careful attention to the factors that affect the impact of relational interventions to avoid harm and increase the likelihood of positive impact.